Presumably you mean sex with someone other than your husband or wife, as sex within marriage is not a sin but a gift from God.

There is no sin that God will not forgive, if the sinner geniunely repents and believes in Jesus.

Matthew 12:31; Acts 13:39

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6 Responses to Will God forgive me for having sex?

  1. naomi achieng says:

    I was saved long time, but now have gone back will God forgive me for what have done.

  2. julie says:

    if i had sex when i was dating a guy, when i was a virgin, i cant forgive him and myself for doing that. How can I forgive and let go without harboring bitterness and hatred? He left me after because we didnt get along, moved on to another girl and take the sex thing lightly. I felt cheated cos I lose more than him.

    • Thomas Gaston says:

      It is not always easy to forgive someone, particularly if they have betrayed your trust. But remember the example of Jesus who even prayed for the forgiveness of those who were crucifying him.

      There is no sin that God will not forgive if you truly repent. And if God has forgiven you then you should forgive yourself.

  3. Ben l says:

    1Jn 1:9, If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
    When God forgives he says that your sins are blotted out, they are buried in the deepest sea never to be remembered. And there is a sign there NO FISHING. Sin brings pain and heartaches. God brings healing, move on and don’t do it again. Anytime you feel tempted say a prayer and the Holy Spirit will give you the strength to resist temptation.

  4. Minister Janus Barlow says:

    I enjoy the question and answer part, I really gives you detailed information on each question being asked , every question that I have asked I was given an easy and good answer. I teach Sunday School and I teach bible study on Tuesday I really helps me a lot in answering questions for my students

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