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Bible Q

Is there a contradiction between 1 Samuel 15:35 and 19:24 “Samuel came to see Saul no more”?

Some people have seen a contradiction here:

1 Samuel 15:35 “And Samuel came no more to see Saul until the day of his death . . . “

1 Samuel 19:24 “{Saul} . . . prophesied before Samuel . . . “

But a contradiction requires an affirmation and denial of the same proposition. These two passages are not the same proposition. One says Samuel came no more to see Saul, but this is not the same as saying Samuel saw Saul no more. When Saul prophesied before Samuel, the narrative makes it clear that it was Saul who went to Ramah where Samuel lived (1 Sam. 19:22, 23), and not Samuel who went to see Saul.

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