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Bible Q

Recommended links

To help you understand the Bible, we recommend the following online resources.

Bible Feed

Bible Feed

Videos, podcasts and many more resources about the Bible and faith in the modern world.

“We create and share quality digital content from the Christadelphian community across social media platforms to help everyone, ourselves included, to read and understand the Bible better.”

Christadelphian Tidings


A Christadelphian Magazine online with many articles and resources.

“The Christadelphian Tidings Publishing Committee is dedicated to increasing faith of individuals and ecclesias by creating and distributing valued content on spiritual matters and thus glorifying God as a unified community.”

The Hole in History

The Hole in History

A free online book that examines the evidence for the resurrection of Jesus.

“Looking back into history is a complicated business. And often, we don’t know what happened. There are holes in history that cannot be filled with any degree of certainty. But there is one such historical conundrum that is of utmost importance to how human society has developed over the last 2,000 years.”

Real Bible Hope

Real Bible Hope

A series of Bible articles written for those seeking answers.

“These articles are based entirely on God’s Word, on topics including Baptism, Why God Allows Suffering, the Sabbath and many more!”

This is your Bible

This Is Your Bible

Free Bible courses and booklets, and information about how to contact your local Christadelphians.

“ is dedicated to clear and effective teaching about the Bible. Here you will find opportunities to learn through online courses with your own personal tutor, by asking us a specific Bible related question, or by browsing our library of articles on a wide range of Bible subjects. In addition, you will find other features and offers to assist Bible learning. Everything we offer here is free of charge.”