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Bible Q

Submit a question

We welcome questions on any aspect of the Bible. It can be about Bible history, Bible doctrine, Christian living, puzzling verses, or anything else to do with the Bible.

Before you submit a question, please check:

  1. Is your question something you are meant to answer for homework or for an assignment? If so, please don’t ask it. It wouldn’t be fair if we did your homework for you.
  2. Are you asking where a particular Bible quotation is to be found? If so, please first try to find it yourself using BibleGateway. If you still can’t find it, then feel free to send us your question.
  3. Has your question already been answered? Before you submit a question, please take the time to check that the answer is not already available on the site. The simplest way to do this is to use the search box above, or look at the Topic Index or Scripture Index.

You can either ask using the form below, or head over to our facebook site and ask your question there.

If you use the form below, we require your email address so that we can ask you for clarification when necessary, and so we can send you a notification when an answer has been posted on the site. We will not give your email address to anyone else.

Answers to questions can take anywhere between 1 hour and a few weeks. Please be patient. Our authors are working as hard as they can!

If you have several questions, please submit them one at a time. And don’t submit more than three questions — wait until your first three are answered before submitting further questions. Otherwise one person can tie up all our authors which isn’t fair on everyone else.