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Bible Q

Are there examples in the Bible of people who believed but had no faith and people who believed and had faith?

In the Bible, ‘belief’ and ‘faith’ are the same thing (see the answer to ‘What is the difference between faith and belief?‘), so we can’t really say that someone believes but doesn’t have faith because belief is faith. Having said that, the Bible does make a distinction between a living faith and a dead faith: a living […]

How are we sure God exists?

The first thing to say is that the existence of God is different from the existence of, say, trees or chairs. The existence of a tree is usually so obvious that you don’t need to present arguments — almost nobody would dispute the existence of tree that was right in front of them. God is […]

What is the difference between faith and belief?

There is no difference between ‘faith’ and ‘belief’ — they are the same thing. Although the words are different in English, the New Testament, for example, only has one family of words (from the root peithō (Strong’s #3982) in Greek) that are translated as both ‘faith’ and ‘belief’. Part of the reason why the Greek […]

What is faith?

In essence, faith is trusting someone or something. In Gen. 15 God tells Abram that he will give him a child and that Abram’s descendants will grow in number to become a nation: …the word of the Lord came to him: “…your very own son shall be your heir.” And he brought him outside and […]