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Bible Q

What are the attributes of God?

It is impossible to provide a complete list, but we can summarize some of how God is revealed in the Bible. God presents himself to us throughout the Bible, showing different characteristics at different times, just as we do. At times he shows his power, at other times his gentleness. In the flood he showed his […]

In the kingdom, will we still be called by our names?

We don’t know many of the details of the kingdom, but during the kingdom (the ‘1,000 years’ reign of Christ on the earth — Rev. 20:4; 5:10), and even after the kingdom (when God is ‘all and in all’ — 1Cor. 15:28), the saints will probably still be known by their names. We can see […]

What did Jesus look like?

The Bible tells us that Jesus is a Jew. The genealogies in Mat. 1 and Luke 3 show Jesus’ Jewish ancestry, which is neatly summed up in the first verse of the New Testament: Mat. 1:1 The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham. David and Abraham […]