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Bible Q

is Michael Heiser’s “Divine Council Worldview”, presented in his book ‘The Unseen Realm’ and Naked Bible podcast, biblical?

In short, no. Although the late Michael Heiser’s books were massively popular, and he had a dedicated following on social media, his books and podcasts are basically just a legitimization, using pagan sources from the Ancient Near East, of the very old story of the “angels that sinned”  myth, found in 1st Century BC texts […]

What is the differenced between “possessed by demons” and “oppressed by the devil”?

This is a good question because the difference in the verbs highlights the difference between demons and the devil in the New Testament. Demonized, having a demon, in an unclean spirit. Typically where the English versions have “possessed by demons” (or in the King James “possessed by devils”) the Greek word is simply “demonized”, daimonizomenos, […]

What is the so-called Testament of Solomon?

The Testament of Solomon is Jewish Greek text dating to some time 50-250 CE, which collects various Jewish legends and myths about King Solomon into a compendium of demon lore. It is relevant to the New Testament as it gives one benchmark to the state of belief about sickness and demons current both among the […]

Do vampires exist? or anything supernatural?

God exists. Jesus Christ exists. Angels, which are God’s ministering spirits, exist. But that is all 1Co 8:4-6  Therefore, as to the eating of food offered to idols, we know that “an idol has no real existence,” and that “there is no God but one.”  (5)  For although there may be so-called gods in heaven […]

Did Jesus believe in the existence of a personal devil?

Question: “If he didn’t, then he was positively untruthful, for He purposely conveyed an impression contrary to the truth. It represents Him not as instructing but deceiving His disciples, as encouraging superstition rather than teaching truth. It presents Him in a light entirely inconsistent with His claim to be a teacher sent from God, since […]

How do the four temperaments affect a Christian life?

The question:  “What are your views on the use of the four temperament studies e.g. melancholoy, sanguine and their use on determining why a person behaves a certain way and how does this line up with God’s word and the use of theophostic prayer ministry.” Answer: It is a mistake to assume that the Bible […]

Who are the six demons in the film “Exorcism of Emily Rose” : Cain, Nero, Judas, Legion, Belial and Lucifer?

These six “demons” in the 2005 American horror film “The exorcism of Emily Rose” are inventions of the scriptwriters. Only one of those names – Legion – is actually connected to the healing of a “demon possessed” man in the Bible. Legion – was the name an insane man that Jesus healed had given himself (Mark 5:1-20). Legion […]