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Bible Q

Does “you shall surely die” (Gen. 2:17) mean “dying you shall die”?

This is a misunderstanding of a grammatical structure in Hebrew, and other semitic languages, called the infinitive absolute. The verb is repeated to mean “surely”, “certainly”. The Infinitive Absolute occurs most frequently in immediate connexion with the finite verb of the same stem, in order in various ways to define more accurately or to strengthen […]

Who was the “cherub in Eden” (Ezekiel 28:13-14)?

In earlier years, “the cherub in Eden” of Ezekiel 28:13 was frequently identified as Satan. (Compare also the question on Isaiah 14 and “Lucifer”).  Although this is less common today, one can see how someone looking for the origin of the ‘fallen angel’ Satan of medieval legend might be drawn to this chapter, if they […]