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Bible Q

When can one be considered righteous?

The simple answer is, when God considers us righteous.  When does God consider us righteous? To answer this question, I’d like to briefly look at a few examples of righteous people.  Firstly, Abraham, the friend of God, is an excellent example.  God made a seemingly impossible promise to Abraham and Abraham believed God.  We read […]

How can I restore my faith?

You say: I have been feeling spiritually empty. I mean I know God exists and Jesus died on the cross for my sins but recently I have been feeling this emptiness inside of me.  I desperately want to heal my spiritual faith in the Lord, it’s just I don’t know what to do.  I was […]

What does the bible say about being fearful of confrontation?

The Bible describes various confrontations faced by God’s people. When the people of Israel were to invade and take possession of the promised land – when they were to confront their enemies – Moses encouraged them with the following words recorded in Deuteronomy 31:3-6: The LORD your God himself will go over before you. He […]