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Bible Q

What is faith?

In essence, faith is trusting someone or something. In Gen. 15 God tells Abram that he will give him a child and that Abram’s descendants will grow in number to become a nation: …the word of the Lord came to him: “…your very own son shall be your heir.” And he brought him outside and […]

What does “man” mean in Genesis?

Genesis was originally written in Hebrew, and the early chapters of Genesis use two different Hebrew words for man: adam and ish. Adam can mean either man, human or humankind, or it can refer to the specific person named “Adam”. Translators have to determine the meaning from context. For example, in Gen 2:20 the word […]

Does Genesis 2 contradict Genesis 1?

It is often claimed that Genesis 1 and 2 represent two contradictory accounts of creation. For example, Genesis 1:24-26 has the animals created before humans. Yet Genesis 2:18-19 appears to have animals created after humans in most versions. For example, the NKJV has And the Lord God said, “It is not good that man should […]