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Bible Q

Was Elijah a Gentile?

I Kings 17:1 introduces Elijah as: Now Elijah the Tishbite (Hebrew tishbi), who was of the settlers (Hebrew toshab) of Gilead, said to Ahab, “As the LORD, the God of Israel lives, before whom I stand, there shall certainly be neither dew nor rain during these years, except by my word.” (NASB) The Hebrew “Tishbi”  […]

Was Luke a Gentile?

The Bible does not reveal Luke’s nationality. He probably lived in Troas (judging from the switch to personal pronouns in Acts 16:8-10). However, there is an early tradition that he was a native of Antioch in Syria. There were large Jewish populations in both cities, and much of the Roman world, so neither is a […]

What does “Gentile” mean?

In English, “Gentile” usually refers to a person from a nation other than Israel (although some people use it to refer to people of a different religion to themselves). Because the Bible is a translation from other languages, and because it was written over a long period of time, when the word “Gentile” occurs in […]