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Bible Q

What is the difference between Sheol/Hades and Gehenna?

A nice easy question. Sheol in Hebrew (translated ‘Hades’ in Greek New Testament) is simply the grave where “the dead know nothing” (Ecclesiastes 9:5) and Gehenna? Well the Valley of the Sons of Hinnom (Ge Ben-Hinnom, ‘Gehenna’ in the Greek New Testament) is a valley just outside the South East wall of Jerusalem. Today it […]

What are the keys to hell and death? (Revelation 1:18)

The ‘keys of death and hades’ (Rev. 1:18 (ESV); ‘keys of hell and death’ (KJV)) are a metaphor for authority over death and the grave. Sometimes in the Bible ‘keys’ represent authority. For example, in Isaiah 22:22 God says the following about Eliakim: …I will place on his shoulder the key of the house of […]

Is Hades in the King James Bible?

No. Hades is a Greek word which occurs several times in the New Testament, but it is translated either hell or grave in the King James Version of the Bible. In some Bible translations (e.g., the ESV), the word hades is left untranslated. For example Acts 2:27 For you will not abandon my soul to […]

Where is hell?

In the King James Version, the word hell occurs 54 times, but in almost every case it is a translation of one of three different words, each with its own meaning. So to understand hell, we really need to understand the original Hebrew and Greek words that are translated hell. These are: Sheol, Hades and […]