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Bible Q

Did Jesus have long hair?

Probably not. Under Jewish law, a man who took a Nazirite vow would grow his hair long as a sign he was under a vow (Numbers 6:5). Consequently, it is most likely that every man not under a Nazirite vow would have short hair, otherwise the long hair of a Nazirite would not mean anything. […]

Should women still wear head coverings?

The only passage that discusses this is 1 Corinthians 11:2-16. The passage appears to state that head coverings for women were essential in first century churches whenever they “prayed and prophesied” (“prayed and prophesied” equates both activities as spoken, out loud). There is no verse which indicates that this rule applied to women who did not […]

Does the Bible say men should not have long hair?

The only relevant verse here is in 1 Corinthians: Does not nature itself teach you that if a man wears long hair it is a disgrace for him . . . (1 Corinthians 11:14) In first century Greece, long hair identified a man as a homosexual. For example, in Juvenal’s Satires (8.112-131) he refers to a “long-haired […]