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Bible Q

What does “kill the body but cannot kill the soul” mean? (Matthew 10:28)

A contradiction with the Old Testament? Most readers finding Matthew 10:28 strange will probably already be in aware that in the Old Testament souls can die and be killed. Sometimes it is not clear from English translations where ‘soul’ (Hebrew nephesh) in phrases such as “all the souls died”, killing “souls” with the sword, and so […]

What happens after death?

This is a very basic Bible topic, and perhaps the most basic building block of all other Bible questions, so it probably requires more than a quick answer. However the short answer is this: after death men return to dust (Genesis 3:19 etc.), after which men sleep, knowing nothing (Isaiah 38:19 etc.), and those who […]

Where in the Bible does it say there is a heaven and hell?

In the Bible, ‘heaven’ can mean slightly different things. For example: Heaven can be the area through which birds fly. Genesis 1:20: And God said, ” . . . let birds fly above the earth across the expanse of the heavens.” Heaven can be the area where the stars are.  Genesis 22:17: I will surely […]

What is the fate of children who die?

You say: I had two beautiful daughters, one had down syndrome and the other is autistic. Sarah the one who had down syndrome died five years ago from a heart condition that wasn’t treatable. Where would you say she is at? Does the Bible say anything about special needs children? also, would children who died […]

Can a person lose their salvation?

You say: If someone is saved and baptized when they are young, possibly a teenager, and later in life, they say they believe in God but when asked if they believe that Jesus died for their sins so that they may have everlasting life, and they state that they don’t know, or they guess so, […]

What are the keys to hell and death? (Revelation 1:18)

The ‘keys of death and hades’ (Rev. 1:18 (ESV); ‘keys of hell and death’ (KJV)) are a metaphor for authority over death and the grave. Sometimes in the Bible ‘keys’ represent authority. For example, in Isaiah 22:22 God says the following about Eliakim: …I will place on his shoulder the key of the house of […]