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Bible Q

Where will the “judgement seat” be when Jesus returns?

Judgement when Jesus returns There are many passages in the Bible indicating a judgement when Jesus returns to the earth as king. It is also mentioned that the judgement will be of the living and the dead. A specific “judgement seat” (in Greek, bema) such as Pilate sat upon when he brought Jesus out and […]

What is the rapture? : “Caught up . . . in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.” (1 Thessalonians 4:17)

“Rapture”, although the word in English now means an emotional state, something akin to a frenzy or trance, originally just meant “snatched away”. It occurs in several Bible verses, but the one that is the base of some Protestant churches’ teaching about a “rapture to heaven” is based on a misreading of these two verses: […]

What does “kill the body but cannot kill the soul” mean? (Matthew 10:28)

A contradiction with the Old Testament? Most readers finding Matthew 10:28 strange will probably already be in aware that in the Old Testament souls can die and be killed. Sometimes it is not clear from English translations where ‘soul’ (Hebrew nephesh) in phrases such as “all the souls died”, killing “souls” with the sword, and so […]