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Bible Q

What will we do in heaven?

Contrary to popular belief, the Christian hope is for Jesus to return to the earth (Acts 1:11), for him to raise the dead (1Thess. 4:16; 1Cor. 15:20-23; the resurrection) and make his faithful followers immortal (Rom. 2:6,16), and for the world to then be made perfect (Rom. 8:18-21). Put bluntly, people do not go to […]

Who will be living on the new earth?

After Jesus returns to earth and establishes his kingdom, there will be two groups of people on earth — those who have been made immortal and those who are still mortal. The immortal saints are those who have been faithful believers and are welcomed by Jesus into his kingdom (Matthew 25:34-40,46). They will assist Jesus […]

Will there be children in the time when God is all in all?

Jesus said “For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels” (Matt 22:30). This would imply that resurrected people will not procreate. There are indications that there will continue to be children (from the mortal population) during the Millennium (cf. Isaiah 11:6). When this age comes to an […]

Will the Sabbath be kept in the kingdom of God?

There are a few prophetic Bible passages that indicate Sabbaths and Feasts could be kept in the kingdom of God (Isaiah 66:23, Ezekiel 44:24, Zechariah 14:16). One purpose of a Sabbath is to provide rest from physical work. It may continue to perform this function; as work is done in the Kingdom age (Isaiah 65:21-23). […]

Where will the Kingdom of God be — in heaven or on earth?

The Kingdom of God will be on earth. Jesus will return to earth (e.g., Acts 1:11) and become King on David’s throne in Jerusalem (Luke 1:32-33). Jeremiah prophesied about Jesus as king (calling him a “righteous Branch”): 5 “Behold, the days are coming, declares the Lord, when I will raise up for David a righteous […]

Will pets be in the Kingdom of God?

The Bible says that you need to believe to be saved (e.g. Eph. 2:8). Animals are not able to believe, so animals cannot be saved. However, there will be animals in God’s kingdom. The prophet Isaiah has several description of God’s kingdom that include animals: 6 The wolf shall dwell with the lamb, and the […]