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Bible Q

Could you please explain 2 Corinthians 3:7-18?

2Co 3:7-18  Now if the ministry of death, carved in letters on stone, came with such glory that the Israelites could not gaze at Moses’ face because of its glory, which was being brought to an end,  (8)  will not the ministry of the Spirit have even more glory?  (9)  For if there was glory […]

Why did the Old Testament make a distinction between certain meats (i.e., clean and unclean) but not plants, even though some plants are poisonous?

There are two possible reasons why the law was given distinguishing between clean and unclean animals: (1) The main reason, because it is the one explicitly stated in the Bible was that the people were to “not defile themselves”, the physical defilement apparently emblematic of spiritual defilement. Leviticus 11:43-44 Do not make yourselves detestable by […]

When can one be considered righteous?

The simple answer is, when God considers us righteous.  When does God consider us righteous? To answer this question, I’d like to briefly look at a few examples of righteous people.  Firstly, Abraham, the friend of God, is an excellent example.  God made a seemingly impossible promise to Abraham and Abraham believed God.  We read […]

If the Law was added because of transgression (Gal. 3:19) and sin is transgression of the law (1 John 3:4), then what were people disobedient to before the Law?

They were disobedient to God.  There is a thread running through the pre-Mosaic law period, making it apparent that God’s laws and ways were known to at least some of the ancients.  Consider some of the examples: Adam and Eve knew right from wrong after they ate of the tree of the knowledge of good […]

If the law of Moses is truth, the way, life, the light, the path, perfect and liberty why is it considered bondage, fulfilled, old, a yoke, impossible to keep and irrelevant for today?

It is true that the law of Moses is truth because it was a law given for a time from God – Psalm 86:11: Teach me your way, O LORD, that I may walk in your truth; unite my heart to fear your name. It was also the way the people of Israel (pre-Christ) were […]

How many laws are spoken of in the New Testament?

There are dozens of references to “law” in the New Testament. Almost none of them are instructions to Christians. Often the law of rules and regulations that Jews were under is contrasted to what Christians are subject to. Some illustrations of this contrast: Romans 3:27  Then what becomes of our boasting? It is excluded. By […]

Is Joshua 20:1-6 condoning manslaughter?

When someone had carelessly but non-maliciously killed someone, then God’s Old Testament law made provision for him to escape capital punishment, whilst not trivialising the killing. There was no expensive prison infrastructure. So banishing someone within the land of Israel to a city of refuge was a practical humane solution. This was not condoning manslaughter; […]

How has the Bible helped and changed the world today?

The Bible has helped change the world in a number of ways.1 Here are a few examples: Many laws were initially based on the teachings of the Bible.2 Slavery was abolished by people who saw it contradicted what the Bible taught about the worth of all people.3 Science has been  encouraged by many Biblically minded […]