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Bible Q

When did Jesus first exist?

This short answer is taken from the CBM BBT leaflet ‘When did Jesus first exist?’ For longer examination of this topic see the booklets by Alan Hayward and A.E. Walker: Alan Hayward Did Jesus Christ really come down from Heaven? A.E. Walker Did Jesus Exist in Heaven Before his Birth? . . . .   […]

“the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of God’s creation.” (Revelation 3:14)

This is one of several New Testament verses describing Christ as the beginning or first-born of God’s creation: 14 “And to the angel of the church in Laodicea write: ‘The words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of God’s creation. (Revelation 3:14) As such it needs to be considered with the other […]

Does “beginning” in John 1:1 refer to Genesis and the old creation, or to Christ’s work and the new creation?

It is probably clear to anyone who has got as far as asking this question that “In the beginning was the word” does not mean “In Genesis 2:7 Jesus created Adam”. But what does it mean? This is one of those questions where there are three possible answers: “old”, “new” and “both”. If the answer […]

Are there any Old Testament appearances of Jesus?

To answer the question “Are there any Old Testament appearances of Jesus?” the straight answer is “No”. If there were appearances of Jesus in the Old Testament then that would mean that, among other things, the family tree of Jesus from Eve via Abraham, David, and finally Mary simply is not true. It would also […]