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Bible Q

Should High Holy days be observed today as in New Testament times?

In the early days of Christianity, almost all believers were Jews and for a while it seems that they continued to keep the Jewish Sabbath and Old Testament festivals such as Passover and the other feasts (e.g., Acts 21:21-24) However, once Gentiles became part of the Christian church it was necessary to decide whether keeping […]

What is Hebrews 4:1-7 describing?

Hebrews 4:1-11 Therefore, while the promise of entering his rest still stands, let us fear lest any of you should seem to have failed to reach it.  (2)  For good news came to us just as to them, but the message they heard did not benefit them, because they were not united by faith with […]

Will the Sabbath be kept in the kingdom of God?

There are a few prophetic Bible passages that indicate Sabbaths and Feasts could be kept in the kingdom of God (Isaiah 66:23, Ezekiel 44:24, Zechariah 14:16). One purpose of a Sabbath is to provide rest from physical work. It may continue to perform this function; as work is done in the Kingdom age (Isaiah 65:21-23). […]

Is it ok to buy food or buy services on the Sabbath?

In Old Testament times, when the Sabbath was in force, it was not OK.  In fact, when Nehemiah was governor of Jerusalem he forbade selling on the Sabbath and even threatened to attack people who came to Jerusalem to sell on the Sabbath after he had forbidden it: 15 In those days I saw in […]

Why do Christians go to church on Sundays?

There is no commandment in the New Testament about when we should meet, only that we should meet regularly (Hebrews 10:25). So Christians have chosen to meet at different times and on different days depending on what is convenient. For example, Christians living in Muslim countries often meet on Fridays because that is the Muslim […]

What day is the Sabbath?

The word sabbath means “rest” and the practice of resting on the Sabbath is modelled on creation where God rested on the seventh day. For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day […]

Should I welcome preachers in my house?

Q: God welcomes everyone, regardless of what we eat or when we rest, doesn’t he? We were taught to not open the door to people we do not know well. Why should I welcome people that I don’t know right into my house? Should people wishing to spend some time in my house explaining some […]

Should we obey God even when it causes evil?

The full question was: Many Christians have told me that the 10 Commandments are utterly absolute to the point that they must be obeyed no matter what the consequences — even if obeying one or more of them leads to unbelievable evil. This does not seem right to me in the light of the Hebrew […]

Does the law of Moses apply to Christians today?

No. This was debated at length in the early days of Christianity and the apostles all agreed that the Old Testament law of Moses does not apply to Gentile Christians. In fact, they held a conference about it in Jerusalem in AD50 at which they decided that Gentile Christians would only have to obey four […]