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Bible Q

What is the difference between Sheol/Hades and Gehenna?

A nice easy question. Sheol in Hebrew (translated ‘Hades’ in Greek New Testament) is simply the grave where “the dead know nothing” (Ecclesiastes 9:5) and Gehenna? Well the Valley of the Sons of Hinnom (Ge Ben-Hinnom, ‘Gehenna’ in the Greek New Testament) is a valley just outside the South East wall of Jerusalem. Today it […]

What does the Bible say about near-death experiences?

Near-death experiences, outside the Bible Records of dreams and visions on the sickbed, near death, go back to ancient times. An example is the story told by the Greek writer Plato who recalls the visions seen by a Pamphylian soldier, Er son of Armenious, after he had revived from near death after being left for dead several days among […]

Who is the woman in the nether-world and why is she there?

This question is based on Proverbs 5 from the JPS translation: Proverbs 5:3-5 (JPS) For the lips of a strange woman drop honey, and her mouth is smoother than oil; But her end is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a two-edged sword. Her feet go down to death; her steps take hold on the nether-world; […]

Where is hell?

In the King James Version, the word hell occurs 54 times, but in almost every case it is a translation of one of three different words, each with its own meaning. So to understand hell, we really need to understand the original Hebrew and Greek words that are translated hell. These are: Sheol, Hades and […]