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Bible Q

Is there any suggestion that Jesus ever married?

None at all. Whenever the Bible refers to Jesus’ relatives, it speaks only of his step-father, mother and siblings, but never of a wife. Furthermore, he encourages singleness in Matthew 19:12. For an extensive discussion of the issue, see “Was Jesus married? A careful look at the real evidence” by Mark Roberts.

Was Paul married? If so, what happened to his wife?

The information that we have in the Bible says that Paul wasn’t married when he wrote 1 Corinthians: To the unmarried and the widows I say that it is good for them to remain single as I am. [1Cor. 7:8] However, we don’t know with absolute certainty if Paul was married before or after this — […]

Is there a partner for everyone in the world?

Gen. 2:18 says that people need company, but the Bible does not say that there is a partner for everyone in the world. Some of the greatest people in the Bible were single — including the Lord Jesus, who was perfect — which demonstrates that not everyone will have a partner during their life. It […]