Question : Was Jesus totally dead, or just his body? On the face of it this question is so simple, and so important, and so basic. And yet answers to this question will depend on what someone first believes about death, and also secondly on what someone believes about who Christ is. Therefore, broadly speaking, […]
“if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord…” – Is Romans 10:9-10 a sufficient creed or statement of faith?
“if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord…” – Is Romans 10:9-10 a sufficient creed or statement of faith? . Taken on its own the phrase commencing “if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord..” (Romans 10:9-10) would appear a sufficient creed or statement of faith. But then anything taken on […]
What guidance does the Bible give that might be helpful in thinking about being an organ donor?
We don’t yet have an answer posted on this subject, however we will post here helpful links. In the meantime he hope that this link will be of help to some of those searching this question on BibleQ Wales News 23 September 2013 ‘I donated my 38-year-old husband’s organs as I know it’s what he […]
God twice sent an evil spirit on Saul (1 Samuel 16:14, 19:9). Why would God send an evil spirit on someone?
God in charge of illness in the Old Testament This passage is famous as an illustration of how the Old Testament and the New Testament apparently have different theologies about mental illness. In the Old Testament all illnesses and sicknesses are strictly under the power of God. “‘See now that I, even I, am […]
What about language applied to God in the Old Testament but applied to Jesus in Revelation?
What about language applied to God in the Old Testament but applied to Jesus in Revelation? This is a quite frequent question in discussions between Trinitarians and Oneness (UPCI) on one side and non-Trinitarians, including biblical unitarians (principally Christadelphians). Why would language exclusive to God in the Old Testament be applied to Jesus in the […]
Does Jesus’ saying “as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings” refer to himself or to God? (Luke 13:34)
This is a fairly straightforward question where the answer becomes immediately obvious when looking at the first half of this mini-parable. The context is Jesus himself, and the comparison of himself “I” to a hen, comes straight after the threat from the fox Herod Antipas to kill him. Herod Antipas had only recently killed John […]
is Michael Heiser’s “Divine Council Worldview”, presented in his book ‘The Unseen Realm’ and Naked Bible podcast, biblical?
In short, no. Although the late Michael Heiser’s books were massively popular, and he had a dedicated following on social media, his books and podcasts are basically just a legitimization, using pagan sources from the Ancient Near East, of the very old story of the “angels that sinned” myth, found in 1st Century BC texts […]
Why does Ephesians 4:8 apply Psalm 68:18 “ascended on high”, which is about God, to Christ?
The New Testament uses several Old Testament verses which in their original context are about God and applies them to Christ. The use of Psalm 68:18 in Ephesians 4:8 is one of the better known ones. Let’s compare first the two passages: 17 The chariots of God are twice ten thousand, thousands upon thousands; the […]
What does “he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive” mean? (Ephesians 4:8)
This verse in Ephesians prompts a number of questions. Other answers on BibleQ which may be of interest include: * What does it mean that Jesus preached to the “spirits in prison” 1 Peter 3:19 * Why does Ephesians 4:8 apply Psalm 68:18 “ascended on high”, which is about God, to Christ? An answer taken […]
What is the differenced between “possessed by demons” and “oppressed by the devil”?
This is a good question because the difference in the verbs highlights the difference between demons and the devil in the New Testament. Demonized, having a demon, in an unclean spirit. Typically where the English versions have “possessed by demons” (or in the King James “possessed by devils”) the Greek word is simply “demonized”, daimonizomenos, […]