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Bible Q

Who was the disciple Jesus loved?

The disciple Jesus loved refers tos John, elder son of Zebedee, brother of James, with whom he was called “Sons of Thunder” or “Boanerges”). The author of the Gospel of John mentions himself 5 times as “the disciple whom Jesus loved” in his gospel. 1. “One of his disciples, whom Jesus loved, was reclining at table at Jesus’ side,” […]

Does the authorship of the NT books matter?

This question probably depends on who is asking? Does it matter to whom? – Does it matter to someone who is already Christian? Perhaps not much? – Does it matter to someone raised in a Christian home, Sunday School, church? Depends how much questioning they have done. But to the original audiences for whom the […]

Was Mary Magdalene the author of the 4th Gospel?

No. There is not a single serious scholar who has even canvassed this possibility. Not least because John repeatedly identifies himself in the Gospel, as ‘the beloved disciple’, talks about why he has written certain things and excluded others, and his objectives in writing them. Likewise also throughout the 1st Epistle of John which in […]

How did God harden Pharaoh’s heart?

The Bible says over a dozen times that God hardened Pharaoh’s heart so as not to let the Israelites go. The first one comes in Exodus 4: And the Lord said to Moses, “When you go back to Egypt, see that you do before Pharaoh all the miracles that I have put in your power. But I will harden his heart, […]

Was Judas predestined to betray Jesus?

There are three suggestions in the New Testament that a betrayal by Judas was prophesied, which has led some readers to ask the question above “Was Judas predestined to betray Jesus?” Psalm 41:9 in John In John 13:18 Jesus quotes Psalm 41:9 – originally about David’s enemies – of Judas, “But the Scripture will be […]

Should we believe our dreams?

In short, no. At least not as having any origin from God. Nor from angels. Nor from the devil and demons (which are parables in the Bible, and do not exist). Although the Bible records God revealing things to specific prophets in dreams as well as by waking visions and waking encounters with angels, the […]

The curse on Canaan (Genesis 9:24-27)

Answer from Tidings magazine August 25, 2020 THE CURSE ON CANAAN What does that Bible say about slavery? Sadly, Genesis 9:24-27 has long been interpreted by some as a justification for African slavery and that blacks were destined to be slaves to white people. Read Time: 1 minute Churches have, in many cases, provided the fodder for the […]