The Scripture doesn’t give the precise details of the town the woman lived in and was healed in. The incident is recorded in the following places: Mat 9:20 And behold, a woman who had suffered from a discharge of blood for twelve years came up behind him and touched the fringe of his garment, Mar […]
Does the Bible direct us to observe the Sabbath today?
The questioner also adds: Jesus said “Sabbath was made for man.”..Think not that I’ve come to destroy the Law” [10 Commandments] Sabbath included…”Heaven + earth will pass away before one jot or tittle will pass from the Law.”..He is “Lord of the Sabbath.”..In Revelation, Christ tells us: His Church Rev. 12:17 ….”keep the commandments of […]
Why is law no longer necessary to experience God’s grace?
The law was a guardian until Christ came. The law showed up sin for what it is but it could not save – no one can be justified by obeying the law. We are justified by faith in Christ. If we could be saved by law then Christ would not have been needed. We do […]
Was Jesus a Jew?
Yes, Jesus was a Jew, from the tribe of Judah (his genealogies are in Matthew 1 and Luke 3). Also see ‘Was Jesus white?‘
What does the name Philip mean?
The name Philip comes from the Greek words philos, meaning “friend”, and hippos, meaning “horse”. So Philip means “fond of horses”.1 notes 1. ‘Philip’ in Holman Concise Bible Dictionary (B&H Publishing Group, 2010), p. 486
Do you have an outline of the book of Isaiah?
I’m not sure if you would call this an outline – it’s more of a summary of Isaiah. It is written by David Pearce and used with his kind permission.1 THE PROPHET ISAIAH Isaiah lived in the times of Uzziah, Ahaz and Hezekiah, kings of Judah – round about 740 to 680 BC. This was […]
What does “I am saved to bear fruits” mean?
Perhaps the questioner has Romans 7:4 in mind: “Likewise, my brothers, you also have died to the law through the body of Christ, so that you may belong to another, to him who has been raised from the dead, in order that we may bear fruit for God. Bearing fruit for God is a vital […]
What did John the Baptist mean when he asked Jesus, “Are you the one who is to come, or shall we look for another?” (Mat. 11:3)?
I can think of 2 possible explanations for John the baptist’s question: He wanted his disciples to leave off following himself and follow Jesus, so he sent them to Jesus to see him for themselves the great things Jesus was doing. John had been imprisoned for some time by this stage and perhaps he was […]
Who was sent to minister to Paul when he was blind?
Ananias (see Acts 9:10-19)
What is the date that Christ was crucified? What was his age at death?
John was baptising in the 15th year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar (Luke 3:1), which would be 29AD. It is widely accepted that Tiberius reigned from 14-37 AD. If the date for Tiberius Caesar’s reign is correct, Jesus must have commenced his ministry fairly soon after John did, as Jesus was about 30 at […]