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Bible Q

What does the Bible say about “contract marriage”?

Further comments from question: A contract marriage is defined as a business agreement where you share the same roof, you are married for name sake; but it is only for the military benefits. As far as I can see, the Bible says nothing about contract marriage. The Bible treats marriage as a union of a […]

Where in the Bible does it say angels have more than two wings?

In actual fact, the Bible’s descriptions of angels present them as having no wings! See the answer to ‘Where in the Bible does it say that angels have wings?‘. As that answer says, ‘There are two angel-like creatures that do have wings, and this may be the origin of the idea that angels have wings. […]

Is the gospel to be preached to all creatures, not just humans?

In Mark 16:15 it says, ‘preach the gospel to every creature’ (KJV); and in Colossians 1:23 it talks about ‘…the gospel…which was preached to every creature which is under heaven’ (KJV). Do these verses imply that the gospel is to be preached to all creatures, not just to humans? Some translations of Mark 16:15 and Colossians 1:23 […]

Genesis 3:16 says the woman’s desire would be for her husband: does that mean that in the beginning woman was equal with man and gave man rule because of the sin that Eve committed in the garden?

We read of the creation of  Eve in Genesis 2:18-25 ” Then the LORD God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.”   …  (20)  The man gave names to all livestock  … But for Adam there was not found a helper fit […]

Is Barak Obama Gog?

Additional comments from question: Hold on friend, I think God showed me something today. It is Nato led by the US. You may only have a few days. Key line is..In short, the battle Gog and Magog is war in the latter days (Last days) when a confederacy of nations attack Israel, which has been […]

What are the pearls in Revelation 21:21 a type of?

And the twelve gates were twelve pearls, each of the gates made of a single pearl, and the street of the city was pure gold, like transparent glass. (Rev 21:21) Jesus described the gospel as a “pearl of great price” (Matt 13:46). If this is the allusion then it means that the entrance to the […]

How long was Joseph in prison?

At the time of his kidnapping Joseph was seventeen. Genesis 37:2 Joseph, being seventeen years old, was pasturing the flock with his brothers. After travelling to Egypt, he was sold as a slave to Potiphar, and succeeded in his household. There is no information about how old Joseph was when he was wrongly accused and […]

In Daniel 12 it speaks about 1290 days (v11) and 1335 days (v12): what happens during the extra 45 days?

There are a variety of different interpretations of this verse. A number of interpreters use the idea of a day-for-a-year so correlate these time periods to historical events. For example, Graham Mansfield suggests a number of possible time periods, relating to events to do with the Catholic Church, Islam and Zionism: Starting 533 AD (Decree […]

Are Jews to stop celebrating their old holidays?

The full question: I am not Jewish but I have a question about the Jewish faith. My mom says that since Christ has come and risen, there is no need for the Jews to celebrate any of their holidays, i.e. Passover, etc. I see her point (sort of), but even though Christ has come and […]