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What is the Law of Moses?

The Law of Moses is the list of rituals, moral laws, and guidance that are recorded in the the Books of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. The are called the Law of Moses because God gave them to the nation of Israel through a man called Moses:

Remember the law of Moses My servant, even the statutes and ordinances which I [God] commanded him in Horeb for all Israel. (Mal. 4:4, NASB)

The Jews were to follow the Law of Moses (Deut. 4:1).

The New Testament tells us that God added (Gal. 3:17,19) the Law of Moses to the life of his people to teach them: the Law taught people about sin (Gal. 3:19, 22-23), and it taught people about Christ (Gal. 3:24, NASB). Now that Christ has come, the Law has been abolished (Gal. 3:25; Rom. 10:4: i.e. we do not need to follow the Law of Moses nowadays). Instead, nowadays we need to follow the Lord Jesus Christ himself (Gal. 6:2; Phil. 2:5; 1Peter 2:21).

12 Replies to “What is the Law of Moses?”

    • Yes, Yeshua is very clear that Christians must follow the decreed of Moses but not Jewish traditions & customs that were not of Moses. Paul never knew Yeshua. He is a false apostle. Yeshua warned against those like him before his death. Yeshua taught that not to believe anyone who claims to talk, see or receive messages from him (i.e Yeshua) and that false teachers would come. Because when Yeshua returned all eyes would see this and there would be no doubt. Yet regrettably the majority of so-called Christianity today is Pauline based – i.e Paul’s invention. And using the scriptures of Paul to back up the non-Jewish message of Yeshua. The Roman Church the political creation of Constantine
      also has much to answer for in the non-Yeshua Pauline form of McDonald version of Christianity…

      • uhmmm!, I am petty sure Yeshua struck down Saul and changed his name to Paul!! So, yeh I think that constitutes him knowing him if He(Yeshau ) talked to him(Saul-Paul) directly.

  1. ful·fill·ment
    noun /fo͝olˈfilmənt/ 
    fulfillments, plural; fulfilments, plural

    Satisfaction or happiness as a result of fully developing one’s abilities or character
    – she did not believe that marriage was the key to happiness and fulfillment

    The achievement of something desired, promised, or predicted
    – winning the championship was the fulfillment of a childhood dream

    The meeting of a requirement or condition
    – the fulfillment of statutory requirements

    The performance of a task, duty, or role as required, pledged, or expected

    I think this go’s with what Liz said!

  2. a·bol·ish
    verb /əˈbäliSH/ 
    abolished, past participle; abolished, past tense; abolishes, 3rd person singular present; abolishing, present participle

    Formally put an end to (a system, practice, or institution)
    – the tax was abolished in 1977

    I think that present day events are enough to show that Christians have decided they no longer need Gods laws. When God is the one who said this you shall do for the rest of your days…

    • No one has said anything about no longer needing God’s laws. All that is said is that God’s laws have changed. Hebrews makes it quite clear that a new covenant and a new law was in God’s plan a long time before Jesus (e.g. Hebrews 8:6 – 13). Hebrews 7:12 makes it quite clear that the law must change when the priesthood changes.

  3. There are too many scriptures in the old and new testament that proves that the Law of God the Ten Commandments are still binding today! Get in there and really search the word. If you really understood how important those commandments are. Be Blessed

    • Could you please, for our enlightening, list some of those many scriptural references that prove the Ten Commandments are biding even today? Also, upon which basis you claim that Law of God = The Ten Commandments, what about other commandments concerning purity of persons or sacrifices and what about the commandments of Christ?

  4. Yes it is good to study the bible, King James version, but no matter if we all disagree on a verse of scripture one thing is for sure we all can agree on. Jesus Christ is soon returning to get his children and we had all better be ready.

  5. It is important to look at all verses on a topic to get a complete understanding of what the Bible is saying. So here are some other verses from John on the Law of God which He wrote on tables of stone with His own finger which was then given to the people through Moses. God was portraying the immutability of His Law by setting it in stone. If you take away the law, there is not sin I John 3:4 John said if one says they know God but do not keep His commandments, he is a liar I John 2:4 How does John say one who loves God should feel about God’s Law I John 5:2&3 How did John show how Jesus felt about the law John 15:10 Now for some of the many other verses Cheryl referred to- How does Jesus feel about the law Matt 5:17 Did He say it would ever change Matt 5:18 Yet most Christians take the attitude, Jesus did not want to destroy the law, but we will anyway. But what does Jesus say about that Matt 5:19 What is the standard of judgment James 2:12 Who is not subject to the law Rom 8:7 Does grace and faith make the law void Rom 3:31 Can we pick and choose which parts of the law to keep James 2:10-11Did the transition from the Old Covenant to the New Covenant change the law-Only its location-Jesus said before the law would not change. So the same law that God wrote in stone He now writes in our minds and hearts Jer 31:33-34 and Heb 8:8-12 Most of these verses are from the New Testament but there are also many in the Old Testament such as Psalms 111:7-8 This is what one commentary says about the law “The laws of the Jews are commonly divided into moral, ceremonial, and judicial. The moral laws are such as grow out of the nature of things which cannot, therefore, be changed,-such as the duty of loving God and His creatures. These cannot be abolished, as it can never be made right to hate God, or to hate our fellow men. Of this kind are the ten commandments; and these our Saviour neither abolished nor superseded. The ceremonial laws are such as are appointed to meet certain states of society, or to regulate the religious rites and ceremonies of a people. These can be changed when circumstances are changed, and yet the moral law be untouched.”- Dr. Albert Barnes, on Matt. 5:18. And John Wesley said “The moral law contained in the ten commandments, and enforced by the prophets, He did not take away. It was not the design of His coming to revoke any part of this…. Every part of this law must remain in force upon all mankind and in all ages, as not depending either on time or place, or any other circumstance liable to change, but on the nature of God, and the nature of man, and their unchangeable relation to each other.”-John Wesley, in his “Sermons,” Vol. I, No.25, pages 221,222.

  6. the law of moses is not the ten commandments its rituals the ten commanments is gods law jesus and gods law go together so yes god abolished moses laws not the ten commandments so get it right stop and read the bible for your self . sin is sin I have sin so I give my life to Christ when I cannot obay his laws so jesus comes in and saves me but to still do bad and not try to obay the law is wrong just like America has laws we have to abide by we don’t . jesus is the only way right still hi is god and the commandment are his so. what now