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Bible Q

By what means did God create light, the firmament, the earth, vegetation, the sun, moon and stars, and the animals?

People have tried to understand these things from a scientific perspective, but I don’t think you want a summary of physics, meteorology, geology, cosmology and biology. Science can only give a fairly dry description of the physical processes underlying creation, and cannot reveal God’s role.

Matthew 6:26 tells us that God provides food for the birds. In this passage, Jesus gives us a little insight into God’s relationship with his creation: we know that birds eat seeds, fruit, etc., all of which grows naturally, and we also know that sometimes birds starve. Jesus obviously also knew this too, and yet he chose this as an example of how God interacts with his creation—if you like, how God creates food for birds.

A much more powerful example showing the same principle is shown in Psalm 139, which describes the Psalmist’s own creation in his mother’s womb. A great deal is known about how babies form, and it is clearly through natural processes—but at the same time, Psalm 139:13 describes that God wove the embryo himself. But the Bible doesn’t tell us how God creates things, and Psalm 139:6 suggests that we couldn’t understand even if he told us.

What the Bible does tell us is that God created all things (e.g. Isaiah 45:12, Hebrews 11:3), and why he created them (e.g. Psalm 19). It tells us that his angels were involved, but nothing about what they did. While many people would like to know more, that limited information is what God chose to tell us.

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