The following answer is taken from Ron Abel’s Wrested Scriptures


Hebrews 1:2
“[God] hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds.”
This passage is cited to prove the pre-existence of Christ since God made the worlds by him. It is argued that if the worlds were made by Christ, then he must be an eternal Person with the Godhead.
  1. There is no case in this verse to be made for the contention that the Son was an “eternal Person” within the Godhead. The Son is “appointed heir” (vs. 2) – his position of power and authority is delegated and not innate. It is by “inheritance” (vs. 4) that he has obtained a more excellent name, not by virtue of being, (as is supposed), a co-equal person within the Godhead.
  2. “By whom [‘through whom’, R.S.V.] he made the worlds [ages, R.V. mg., Grk.: aion]”. The “worlds” does not refer to the earth and the other planets but rather to the ages of dispensations on the earth. The Greek world translated “worlds” is not the usual word for worlds – “kosmos”, but “aion” which means, “age, indefinite time, dispensation”.1 Jesus Christ is the chief cornerstone of all ages – whether antediluvian (before the flood), patriarchal (Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, etc.), Mosiac, Gentile, or Millennial. The Seed was promised to Eve (Gen. 3:15) and Abraham looked forward to Christ’s day with the eye of faith. (John 8:56 cf. Gal. 3:8). Even the sacrifices of animals under the Law of Moses only had their effectiveness because they pointed to the sacrifices which would be offered once for all time.2 (Hebrews 10:4, 10). The law was a schoolmaster (custodian, R.S.V.) to bring men to Christ. (Gal. 3:24). The worlds (ages) were made or constituted through Christ since it is in him that they have their meaning and ultimate realization. 
  3. Although Christ was the “chief corner stone” (1 Peter 2:6) in the divine purpose, “foreordained before the foundation of the world” (1 Peter 1:20), he was not formed or manifest until “these last times”. (2 Peter 1:20). He had no personal existence until he was born of the virgin Mary. (Luke 1:31-35).
  4. The reference to “he made the worlds” is referring to the new creation, not the old creation. This is made clear in Hebrews 2:5 – “It is not to angels that he has subjected the world to come, about which we are speaking.”   The writer to the Hebrews is referring to THE WORLD TO COME. Jesus is the creator of the this new world to come. The redeemed are described as a new creation, and Christ our creator. Christ will create “new heavens and a new earth”, wherein dwells righteousness.
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