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Bible Q

Is “the land of Sinim” in Isaiah 49:12 China?

No. It is unlikely that the context refers to China. Firstly because Isaiah 49 seems to relate to a more local geography and also because the name Sinae is not attached to China at this period. Gesenius favoured China, but other lexicographers have pointed also at Syene, modern Aswan, in Egypt. The KJV left the […]

What is the tablet theory of Genesis authorship and is it biblical?

This is a textual theory as follows: Per Craig David (2007) … the Tablet Theory of Genesis first suggested by Percy Wiseman makes a genuine effort to explain the appearance of antiquity in Genesis. Wiseman states: “The book of Genesis was originally written on tablets in the ancient script of the by the patriarchs who were intimately concerned with […]

What does the Greek word morphe mean?

The word μορφὴ (morphē, form, appearance) is a classical Greek noun best known from Mark’s brief mention of Jesus having appeared to two disciples in another morphē – which is expanded in Luke 24:13-35 where Luke says that Cleopas and the other unnamed disciples’ eyes were “holden” to not recognize Jesus. And also from Philippians […]

What is Tartarus?

Tartarus occurs as ‘the deep’ in the Septuagint of Job 40:20 about the mythical beast Behemoth, and again in 41:32 (numbered 41:24 in LXX) about the lair of another mythical beast Leviathan. 20 And when he has gone up to a steep mountain, he causes joy to the quadrupeds in the deep. (Job 40:20 LXX ἐν τῷ ταρτάρῳ, […]

If Jesus was alone then how did Matthew know what happened during Jesus’ 40 days in the wilderness?

Question: Did an angel tell Matthew about the temptations of Jesus in the wilderness? Or did Jesus tell the disciples during his ministry? Answer: There are at least four reasons to think that the answer is the second of the above; that Jesus himself told the disciples the account of the temptations in the wilderness: (1) if […]

Why does the ESV have “Jesus, who saved a people out of the land of Egypt” (Jude 1:5 ESV)?

The ESV is the only version to have “Jesus” following the Alexandrian text where other versions have “the Lord” following the majority of manuscripts. The United Bible Society committee which produced the UBS Greek text NA27 in Textual Commentary on the Greek New Testament has this comment on Jude 1:5: Despite the weighty attestation supporting […]