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Bible Q

Why did the Old Testament make a distinction between certain meats (i.e., clean and unclean) but not plants, even though some plants are poisonous?

There are two possible reasons why the law was given distinguishing between clean and unclean animals: (1) The main reason, because it is the one explicitly stated in the Bible was that the people were to “not defile themselves”, the physical defilement apparently emblematic of spiritual defilement. Leviticus 11:43-44 Do not make yourselves detestable by […]

How could the serpent of Eden talk?

We are not told how the serpent could talk so we can only speculate, but here are some ideas: The serpent is described as being “more crafty than any other beast of the field that the Lord God had made” (Gen 3:1). This may indicate a higher level of intellect than normal animals. So one […]

What does the Bible say about animal abuse?

More detail from questioner: … like hitting and hurting animals for no reason like cats or dogs. I have to do a research paper and this site helped me a lot last time I asked a question I am not going to write your essay for you. However here are a few verses to think […]

Why did the people not eat the lifestock in the wilderness?

The focus here is on the people’s dissatisfaction with the manna that God had miraculously provided. They remembered the very interesting diet when they were in Egypt of fish and vegetables of leeks, onions and garlic. “Why couldn’t God give us something more pleasant?” Whether they had enough livestock for meat is less important in […]

How could Noah have put every animal on the Ark?

Noah did not take every species of animal on board the Ark. Animals designated using the Hebrew words basar, behema, hayya, nephesh, op, remes, and sippor are used to describe the animals which were taken aboard (the common theme is land based oxygen breathing animals with blood).[1] Animals designated using the Hebrew words sheres and […]

What animal heard the announcement of the birth of Jesus?

Sheep. And in the same region there were shepherds out in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And an angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were filled with fear. And the angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I […]

Why are large animals used symbolically in Daniel and Revelation?

Daniel uses animals such as a lion, bear, leopard, dragon, goat and ram to refer to nations that controlled large parts of the area around the Middle East. The lion (Dan 7:4) symbolised the Babylonians, the bear (Dan 7:5) symbolised the Medo-Persian empire, the leopard (Dan 7:6) symbolised the Greek empire, and so on. In […]

Is a puffer fish ‘kosher’?

(Before answering this question, it’s worth noting that “kosher” rules — which are part of the Law of Moses — do not apply to Christians. For more on this, see the answer to ‘Is it okay for Christians to eat pork and shellfish?‘.) The Law of Moses said: “Of all that are in the waters […]