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Bible Q

Is Persia the same as Babylon?

Most often, Babylon is not synonymous with Persia. Babylon was the capital city of the Babylonian or Chaldean Empire, whereas Persia (along with the Medes) was the name of the country whose empire defeated and replaced the Babylonian Empire.1 However, after the Babylonian Empire was defeated by the Persians, the city of Babylon was still […]

Who were the kings of Media and Persia?

Both Media and Persia were ancient kingdoms in what is now Iran. The Medes emerged as a unified kingdom during the period of the Neo-Assyrian Empire. They formed an alliance with the Babylonians to capture Nineveh (612 BC) resulting in the collaspe of the Neo-Assyrian Empire. The Median Empire had dominance over the kingdom of […]

How old was Belshazzar when he died?

Neither the Bible nor external texts give any date of birth for Belshazzar or indication of age so we can only speculate. His grandmother, Adad-Guppi, was born 649 BC and lived 98 years (according the Haran Inscription). This being the case we expect his father, Nabonidus, to have been 60+ when he took the throne […]

Who was King Nebuchadnezzar’s son?

Nebuchadnezzar was king of Babylon from 605BC to 562BC. We know of two of his children: a son, Amel Marduk (known as Evil-Merodach in 2 Kings 25:27), and a daughter Nitocris. Amel-Marduk succeeded Nebuchadnezzar as king. According to Berossus (Jos Ap 1.20), Amel-Marduk was killed in a coup. His brother-in-law, Neriglissar (probably the same as Nergal-Sharezer […]