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Bible Q

Why have there been no human fossils found amongst dinosaur fossils?

Dinosaurs became extinct about 65 million years ago, long before any humans existed. The reason why scientists who study dinosaurs reached this conclusion is radiometric dating of the rocks in which dinosaurs fossils are found. Geologists by the early 19th century had worked out that fossils appear in the geological record in a specific sequence; […]

Why is the age of the universe so different to the age of the Earth?

According to current scientific estimates the Earth is around 4.5 billion years old and the universe is around 13.75 billion years old. If these calculations are correct, even approximately so, then there were billions of years between the creation of the universe and the formation of our planet. Even then the Earth would wait over […]

How do you reconcile the Bible and evolution?

At the most basic level, if the Bible contradicts evolution, logically, one of them must be at least partly false.  On the other hand, if they don’t contradict, they’re compatible and can be brought together.  I’m going to suggest a way of approaching Genesis that I believe is compatible with evolution—but I don’t pretend that […]

Why are numerous major Biblical events so similar to contemporary and historical mythology?

By the end of the 19th century archaeology had discovered many Mesopotamian texts containing creation and flood narratives remarkably similar to those in the Bible. Critical scholars came to believe that the Biblical narratives had simply been copied from earlier Mesopotamian myths.[1][2] The Biblical flood narrative in particular is still considered by some scholars to […]

Does Genesis 2:5-9 contradict Genesis 1?

Not at all! Genesis 1:1-2:3 is obviously a highly structured narrative of the days of creation, while Genesis 2:4-3:24 is clearly a much more detailed account of Eden. The author just decided to finish the overall creation week story before going back over some parts in more detail. Everyone writes like this — in Scripture […]