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Bible Q

Why wasn’t the lying prophet killed? (1 Kings 13)

God sent a Prophet from Judah to Bethel to proclaim a message from the Lord to the Jeroboam, and then not fellowship with anyone, but to go back home. Later, an old (second) prophet came to the first prophet, and lied to him. He said: And he said to him, “I also am a prophet […]

When does God condone lying?

The JWs maintain that the Bible sanctions “Theocratic War“: So in time of spiritual warfare it is proper to misdirect the enemy by hiding the truth. It is done unselfishly; it does not harm anyone; on the contrary, it does much good. Today God’s servants are engaged in a warfare, a spiritual, theocratic warfare, a warfare […]

Why did God send a lying spirit? (1 Kings 22:22)

The Bible teaches that God does not lie (Heb.6:18), so how is this possible: 1 Kings 22:20 and the Lord said, ‘Who will entice Ahab, that he may go up and fall at Ramoth-gilead?’ And one said one thing, and another said another. 21 Then a spirit came forward and stood before the Lord, saying, ‘I […]

Should we obey God even when it causes evil?

The full question was: Many Christians have told me that the 10 Commandments are utterly absolute to the point that they must be obeyed no matter what the consequences — even if obeying one or more of them leads to unbelievable evil. This does not seem right to me in the light of the Hebrew […]