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Bible Q

What is the difference between love and grace?

Love and grace are closely related things. Showing someone grace means showing them favour, goodwill.1 Loving someone means you desire the best for them. In theory, someone could show another person grace without loving them. However, you cannot truly love someone without showing them grace. When it comes to God, he shows favour because he […]

What should you do when you love someone else’s spouse?

Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous. [Heb. 13:4] Marriage is sacred, so we need to respect another couple’s marriage and not interfere with it. If we are married, we also need to respect our own marriage and treat it […]

Can we lose the people we love by sinning?

Yes, we can lose people we love by sinning. We can lose them as friends, we can discourage them as believers and, in some cases, we may even lose them completely to unbelief and destruction. In particular, parents can lose their children. There are examples of each of these in the Bible. Believers are meant […]

Do we become less lovable when we sin against God?

The Apostle Paul tells us that “God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8). God was willing to give his son for us, however sinful we had become. But when we hear about God and the sacrifice of Jesus, how do we respond? Jesus […]

Do we have to love everyone equally?

Love is a small word with a big meaning. We feel and show love to people in many different ways. This depends on who the person is. For example, the way that a husband loves a wife is different to the way that a father loves his children.  Or the way that someone loves a […]

What does “bear much fruit” mean (John 15:5,8)?

The Bible often uses trees and plants as analogies for humans (e.g. Ps. 1:1-3; Jer. 17:7-8). The fruit a tree or plant produces are like the attitudes and behaviour a person produces (e.g. Mat. 7:15-20; Luke 3:8). So, in John 15 Jesus is saying that his disciples should produce attitudes and behaviour in keeping with […]

Is it a sin to love a sinner?

Certainly not. We are all sinners, and God (who can’t sin) loves us. As Paul wrote God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:8) We are also called to show love to everyone, regardless of what they have done. Jesus said Love your enemies, […]