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Bible Q

Will the earth have room for all the resurrected in the Kingdom?

“The world’s living population now stands at about eight billion. With the return of Christ, many people who are dead will awake. The population of the world will multiply.  Question: How would Christ judge so many people? Please explain Christ’s judgment on the resurrection.” There are two parts to this question – firstly how many […]

Did Jesus visit India?

There is no evidence, nor is it considered likely by any mainstream scholar, that Jesus of Nazareth ever left the immediate environs of Judea, Galilee and Transjordan during his adult years. Jesus’ evident awareness of Greek culture is easily explained by the proximity of the cosmopolitan market town of Sepphoris an hour’s walk from Nazareth, […]

Is there a lost Hebrew gospel of Matthew?

In short, no. This is one of the easiest questions to answer about the Gospels. For an introduction to the language New Testament documents see the introductory chapters of any good study Bible. Papias The idea of a a Hebrew original to Matthew largely originates with the fragments of a claim of Papias of Hierapolis […]

Is there any basis to numerology or gematria in the Bible?

Basically the answer to this question is : Yes, for a few very simple Old Testament associations with some numbers – such as 7 for 7 days, and 12 for 12 tribes. No, for most other numbers. And as regards gematria (a rabbinical term) and the assignment of number values to letters in a word, […]

Is the Book of Job history or story?

An emotive subject This is a subject that can excite emotions. For many Christian readers the idea that the 66 books of the Bible could include a ‘story’ is a shocking and offensive idea. The immediate reaction to the question is to state that Job is mentioned as a historical figure in Ezekiel 14:14 and […]