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Bible Q

Do we have a responsibility for injured workers?

What does the Bible say the responsibility is of the church for a man doing volunteer work on a new church and falls, experiences a traumatic injury, and will probably never be able to work again? There are two main considerations to take into account. One is the responsibility of the church to the man as a neighbour, and the other is the responsibility of the church to the relevant legislation of the state.

With regard to the responsibility of the church to the man as a neighbour, Jesus describes our neighbour as anyone to whom we can offer assistance (Luke 10:30-37). From this point of view, the church has a responsibility to provide assistance to the man simply in view of the fact that he has been injured.

With regard to the responsibility of the church to the relevant legislation of the state, Paul advised Christians to be subject to the ruling authorities as ordained by God (Romans 13:1-4), and specifically to obey such legislation as requires paying what is legally due (Romans 13:5-7). From this point of view, the church has a responsibility to submit to relevant government legislation with regard to worker’s compensation.

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