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Bible Q

Will Adam and Eve be raised to everlasting life?

The Bible doesn’t tell us whether Adam and Eve will be raised to eternal life. It’s possible; God tells us that if you repent, you’ll be forgiven. For instance:

Again, when a wicked person turns away from the wickedness he has committed and does what is just and right, he shall save his life. Because he considered and turned away from all the transgressions that he had committed, he shall surely live; he shall not die.  (Ezek 18:27-28)

But we don’t know to what degree Adam and Eve repented.

There a list of faithful people of old who will be in the Kingdom:

“For by it the people of old received their commendation…. These, though commended through their faith, did not receive what was promised, since God had provided something better for us, that apart from us they should not be made perfect. (Heb 11:2 & Heb 11: 39-40)

People like Abraham (Heb 11:17), Moses (Heb 11:23), and Rahab (Heb 11:31) are on that list, but not Adam and Eve.

In the Bible, Adam is a type (pattern / symbol) for death:

For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ shall all be made alive. (1Co 15:22)

But the type isn’t necessarily the reality – Adam might be called “the source of death”, but still raised to eternal life. Still, it does sound a little unlikely.

Conclusion: it’s probably unlikely they’ll be raised, but since the Bible doesn’t actually say, we can’t be sure.

4 Replies to “Will Adam and Eve be raised to everlasting life?”

  1. I personally think it would be very fitting if the TYPE of death was ‘overcome’ by the TYPE of life – in other words if Adam was ‘in Christ made alive’ per 1Cor 15:22. Thus, the elder (1st Adam) would serve the younger (2nd or last Adam = Christ); that first which is natural (Adam) would be then made spiritual (in Christ); etc.

    The fact that Adam is the federal head of all dying does not mean he is the federal head of eternal death, merely the death-by-sin principle.

    Adam’s name means ‘man’ (not as in male, but as in human being) and Eve’s name means ‘life.’ How fitting would it be then, if in God’s Son they found life for man?

    I have a hard time believing that in 930 years of life, Adam and Eve wouldn’t have enough time to reflect on the consequences of their failure/sin and learn from it.

    Remember they were provided with a sacrifice in Eden: animal skin coats were given them, meaning an animal had to die to provide a covering, an excellent foreshadowing of Christ. Remember too that to Eve was made the first covenant of promise – that of a ‘seed’ who would crush the serpent power – i.e. Christ who would vanquish sin. All other ‘sinning women’ in Christ’s genealogy (Ruth a heathen, Rahab a prostitute) found favour in God’s eyes, DESPITE the presence of any promise specifically to them.

    I disagree about the comment that it seems unlikely they would be granted everlasting life. Quite the contrary, it seems to me to be very likely and very suitable to all the types and all God’s purposes for Adam and Eve to find everlasting life in Jesus when the time comes for him to grant it.

  2. Since the death that was promised Adam if he sinned was not executed, it logically follows that Adam repented. God does not forgive unrepentant people. Nowhere does the Bible explicitly state it admittedly. But the alternative is that God said: “if you sin you will die that very day”. And then God decided that was too hard, so God glossed over what he had said. That cannot be right.

  3. I do believe that God said ““if you sin, that very day you will die ”. This is a little more obtuse than you say. And while you are right that God does not forgive unrepentant people, he does let them prosper so that other people may come to be saved (which very obviously applies to Adam and Eve prior to having children)

  4. Gen 2:17 … in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die

    How is that obtuse? “Dying you shall die” is idiom for “you shall surely die”.

    However there is a principle:

    Eze 3:18 If I say to the wicked, ‘You shall surely die,’ and you give him no warning, nor speak to warn the wicked from his wicked way, in order to save his life, that wicked person shall die for his iniquity, but his blood I will require at your hand.

    So God is happy to relent even though he said that the sinner will surely die.

    God is not like the indulgent parent who threatens one thing but never follows through. Yes, God does send his rain on the just and on the unjust. But that does not challenge the principle that if God makes a very specific threat that someone will die that very day, then if that threat is not fulfilled, it must be because a change of heart in the sinner.