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Bible Q

How many times is God called “Yahweh” in the Bible?

“Yahweh” is God’s personal name (see Exodus 3:13-15 and Exodus 6:2-3), and is usually “translated” as Lᴏʀᴅ (in small caps). It’s not really a translation because Yahweh does not mean Lord. Rather, it means something like  “I am who I am” or  “I will be who I will be”.

God has other names also. The following table gives twelve names used of God in the Old Testament, and their frequencies.

Name Frequency
Adon 27
Adonai 428
El 221
Elahh 74
Elohim 2340
Eloah 52
Yah 40
Yahweh 6807
Shaddai 48
Elyon 35
Illay 9
Sabaoth 278

(Source: Table 4, What is his name?: a biblical study of divine titles, Alfred Norris. Aletheia Books, 1986.)

  • There are other titles used of God, but the ones not listed above concern his attributes and are not actual names.
  • Elahh and Illay are Aramaic rather than Hebrew names. They are equivalent to Eloah and Elyon in Hebrew.
  • References to false gods and to agents of the true God (such as judges or angels) have been omitted.

4 Replies to “How many times is God called “Yahweh” in the Bible?”

  1. According to the Aramaic text of the NT the Lord in Lord Jesus is the same word used for YAHWEH in the OT, namely MARYAH.

    • Mariah means Sovereign or Lord in Aramaic. It was used in the Aramaic translation of the Old Testament in place of the tetragrammaton (YHWH) in just the same way that LORD is used in almost all English translations of the Old Testament. So when Mariah is used in the Aramaic New Testament, it means the same as Lord in English.

  2. Among the 12 entry listed above, truly, Only Yah and Yahweh (Yehovah) are identified as the name of the God in the Tanakh. For quick understanding about the name of God, please see Strong’s concordance. Strong’s numbers clearly pin point the english meaning of every word in the Tanakh. Further, Yah is no differ from Yehovah, for it is only a shortened name of Yehovah. Therefore, There is but only one name of God given in the Tanakh, and he is none other than Yehovah. Fyi, Your answer to the question is to much misleading.

  3. One would thi k if Yahweh was used almost 7000 times it was probably pretty important. And yet tradition or superstition took it out. If the bible is gods word, would he pleased that his name was hidden?