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Bible Q

When did Jesus raise Jairus’ daughter?

The full question was:

“I have read that Jesus healed Jairus’ daughter a week before Jesus’ death on the cross. Since Jairus was a leader/ruler in the synagogue, is there any record of Jairus supporting Jesus during his trial or execution?
You would think that Jairus would go to extreme efforts to support Jesus since he had just saved Jairus’ daughter and since Jairus seemed to be a powerful leader. There is no mention in the New Testament that I am aware.”

The raising of Jairus is recorded in Mark 5 and Luke 8. These chapters are normally dated to near the end of Jesus’ second year of ministry (see The Times, chapter 9) and about 18 months before Jesus was killed.

Jairus was the ruler of a synagogue in Galilee, possibly the synagogue in Capernaum (see Where did Jairus live?). Jesus was tried and crucified in Jerusalem where Jairus would have had little or no authority. So it is not surprising that Jairus is not mentioned in the events surrounding Jesus’ death.

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