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Bible Q

What women did Jesus know personally?

Apart from his mother and at least three sisters (Matthew 13:56), I can think of the following:

  1. Peter’s wife (Mark 1:30; 1 Cor 9:5);
  2. Peter’s mother-in-law (Mark 1:30);
  3. Mary of Bethany (Luke 10:38-42; John 12:1-3; Matthew 21:17; Mark 11:11);
  4. Martha of Bethany (Luke 10:38-42; John 12:1-3; Matthew 21:17; Mark 11:11);
  5. Joanna, wife of Cuza (Luke 8:3; 24:10);
  6. Susanna (Luke 8:3);
  7. Salome, wife of Zebedee and mother of James and John (Matthew 27:56;  Mark 15:40; 16:1);
  8. Mary Magdalene (Luke 8:2; 24:10; John 20:10-18);
  9. Mary, mother of James the younger and Joseph (Matthew 27:56; Mark 15:40);
  10. “Many others” (Luke 8:3; Matthew 27:55; Mark 15:41).

If I’ve missed any, I’m sure readers will add them in the comments.

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