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Bible Q

How could Jesus live a perfect sinless life when he was human?

It is extremely remarkable, and demonstrates the enormous strength of character Jesus had. No doubt it would have been a help that he was the Son of God and that he was in close communication with his Father. But the power that he was given as the consequence of his sonship would have greatly magnified the temptation to misuse it. So, it is really wonderful that he remained so strong throughout his life.

Hebrews 4:15 For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin.

4 Replies to “How could Jesus live a perfect sinless life when he was human?”

  1. PTL. The answer i came up with for this question is jesus did not have a earthly father like us so he would not sin like us because as the bible says we are born in sin because of adam and eve the first people to comment sin. We as humans have a earthly mother and father.

  2. My assumption may be that: Yes Jesus could live a sinless life because it was God’ plann that he may be a mirror to the people he is gong to deriver from sins so that they belive him.

  3. may be it was a plan for God that we sinners follow what jesus lived so that we can sin no more.

  4. yes the scriptures is real b/c he wasn’t conceived by human genetic system but by the power of holy spirit so he has no human sinful specie but God’s, also he is begotten son of God ie have been existing with the heavenly Father com the beginning (God) john 1:1-3. He could live sinless b/c he was conceived holisticaly not sinfully.